Qaldera, I, 2020–2022
Qaldera, II, 2020–2022
Qaldera, III, 2020–2022
Qaldera, I, 2020–2022
Qaldera, I, 2020–2022

Linda Zeb Hang
Handwoven mesh canvases, carved negative space, rainbow gradient acrylic yarn
25 3/4 × 13 5/8 × .75 inches

the antique sorcerer

the mighty shield

cast away fear and regret...

QALDERA is a hand-carved typeface, improvised in a trio of slipcase books constructed from easily accessible materials found in craft stores. The letterforms reference traditional and exquisite Southeast Asian reverse-appliqué needlework. They are formed by research into the industry of Hmong refugee labor within Amish quilting communities in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

Thread-splitting, architectural schema, distortions found in monograms, and whipstitching—typically used to close seams—have been employed to bring relief and color to the slipcase surfaces.

The patterns contained within the books extend from the universal structure of the grid into the inscription of story-cloth.

“patterns aren’t talking they are singing”

Qaldera, II, 2020–2022
Qaldera, II, 2020–2022

Linda Zeb Hang
Handwoven mesh canvases, carved negative space, rainbow gradient acrylic yarn
25 3/4 × 13 5/8 × .75 inches

Qaldera, III, 2020–2022
Qaldera, III, 2020–2022

Linda Zeb Hang
Handwoven mesh canvases, carved negative space, rainbow gradient acrylic yarn
25 3/4 × 13 5/8 × .75 inches